
February 1st, 2019

Eight years blogging with some pauses, but still sharing places, and stories.

This time I have some photo updates from previous trips I have still to share.

This year I am looking to have great posts!

Thanks for being around.


January 11th, 2015

Another year blogging. Count to four they said.

Hopefully I will keep posting. Now, I don’t know if I will include my  photograph on each anniversary. I guess I will not, that is when one really sees time passing by.

All these years it has been great keeping smart and entertaining conversations through the comments box. Let’s dare to enjoy! Leave comments or just ask, you are invited and welcome. Thank you for your visits, I am grateful.

This year has to be a great year, just keep in mind:

“If you want to go fast, go alone

If you want to go far, go together”

-African proverb


Update: Nov 4th, 2013

On January 2014 it will be 3 years since I started blogging. What a ride!.

Many things have happened since, maybe too many.

There has been a constant: Change.

Situations that seemed tests where actually, that, tests.

The good thing is that life always gives you what is needed to go through them.

I have come to learn that success is not something you go after. It is something that comes to you when you love what you do.

So no matter how tough things look, hang on and enjoy the ride. At the end there is always a positive lesson.

As the saying goes:

“Most of the time the only difference between winning and losing is not quitting.”

Thank you for being there, no matter how far or how near. You are a piece of my solved puzzle.

Update to my bio: Oct 11th 2012

I year has passed since I started blogging. I never thought I would go this far with posts and stories.

 I have to say that I have put all my enthusiasm in it without knowing what would be the outcome and to be very honest, you, my visitor, frequent, random and follower are the one that keep me going.

   I really desire that my photographs to come, the stories of my errands and my fortunes and mishaps bring something new and positive to your daily living.

Thank you for being there where you are, as we all are a whole in the world that helps keep balance.

  “…..In life, if you don’t risk anything, you risk everything.”

Update to my bio: Sept 25th, 2011

I will just go “random”. I think that when I describe myself there is a risk to define me and then to be tagged and limited. We all have so many possibilities to be all what we want to be…

I am an engineer, the kind that has to do with computers, systems and the like and work as a business consultant… I like to write though most of my writing is in Spanish. English is not my native language, so please forgive my grammar and regular mistakes…

Playing guitar and writing songs is something I enjoy a lot.  About a year ago, I got hooked taking pictures with a friend’s camera. I take photos by instinct, I can’t say if they are good or not and that is not the purpose. The purpose is to have a good time during the process.

The name of my blog is a nickname friends gave me. “Implicado” stands for involved. Involved with life and all that has to do with it.

I welcome you and hope you enjoy the times you stop by.


…nos involucramos en todos los eventos de la vida, con o sin intencion… participamos en el juego de la vida y permanecemos implicados…

…we engage in every event of life, with or without intention … we participate in the game of life and remain involved …

105 comments on “About

  1. Hi Cedric! I’ve been checking out your photo challenge entries for some time and I find that like all of them! Even your non-photo challenges are very good. I think I’d better subscribe to your blog now. 🙂


    • Well.. what can I say? Gee wow! Thank you for your interest! I will do my best to take amazing and new views of scenes. I started this blog to show my photographs, but I never thought someone would like them! I welcome you and I hope you get to like the post to come!
      Thank you very much! / Muchas gracias!!


  2. Hello Implicado .. nice name and very interesting Bio.. even without telling your reader much about yourself I think what you shared was enough to make who ever read it to come back to your blog. .. 🙂
    Likewise , English is not my native language and it is driving over the edge sometimes trying to make sense of the language 🙂
    I like writing , though I am sure I send many native readers to perplexity  I am good at that .. I like taking photos
    Thank you for visiting my blog .. see you more around


  3. Hello, Cedric. I stopped by to thank you for taking the time to look at my photo of the week and click “like.” But when I got here, of course, I had to look at all your great photos and read your bio. You are so good with the camera. I take a lot of pictures myself — for two reasons: 1. I am a newspaper reporter, and I have to take photos to go with my stories. 2. I own a publishing company, and I often take photos to use for book covers and greeting cards, both of which we create. I enjoyed looking at so many of your pictures. My two favorites are the one you titled “Old on New” and the one of the downtown area of Buenos Aires with the skyscrapers shot at an angle. Very effective!


    • Thank You Sandra! I am flattered!. To be honest, when I have a good shot I just think I am lucky. Don’t know much about photography really so I can’t have an opinion other than I like taking pictures.
      If there is a picture that you or anyone else like, let me know and you can have it without watermark and full size. Thank you for stopping by.


  4. Thank you for stopping by and liking my blog. I too, like Sandra, came by to ‘visit’ you after you stopped by my blog. I’m so happy I did. I started looking at all these interesting posts after enlisting in The Challenge and today I bought my first Nikon camera! I am in heaven, inspired by so many. Be seeing you…


  5. Cedric thank you very much for visiting my site and leaving likes and comments. Appreciate it so much. Hope we can both continue support for each others site.. Thank you again. 😉


  6. I have been nominated the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

    WOW, that came out of the blue.

    Is great to know that my doodles inspire others. I hope I won’t disappoint you.

    The Award comes with these rules:

    1. Thank the person who nominated you

    Thank you Annette for the nomination you were the first blog I started following.

    2. Share 7 things about yourself

    -I am addicted to coffee

    -My favorite cars were made in the 1970’s

    -I am an actor and director, studied photography, video production, graphic design and a little bit of anthropology.

    -I have had 5 pretty serious motorcycle accidents and came out walking and without a scratch.

    -I am from Costa Rica

    -When I hear a song I like, I listen to it when I need inspiration.

    -Orange is my favorite color.

    3. Pass the award to 7 nominees

    So, “tagged” you are it.

    Since I am new at this, you have probably been nominated before, in that event, double the blessing.








    I follow you guys for a reason. Keep up the good work(fun)


  7. Hey Cedric,
    Just wanted to bring you this . . . Very Inspiring Blogger Award http://wp.me/p1RzUf-NB. I’m not sure how you feel about blog award so just do what works for you. No sweat. Accept or don’t accept, it’s all cool. I’m breaking the rules , but what can I say. . . no matter, so long you know, you inspire us bloggers! Thanks!


  8. Me gusta esta pagina y tu manera de pensar. Lo que dijiste en tu nota personala es cierto, y por la misma razon la mia todavia no esta escrita. No puedo juzgar sobre la calidad de tus fotos pero lo que puedo decir es que son mucho mejores que las que tome yo :D. Sigue con este blog inspirador! Saludos, Paula


  9. Hola Cedric 🙂 Hmmm, no me avisaron de tu rispuesta a mi comentario aqui. Primero quiero agradecerte por ver 15 de mis posts 🙂 gracias a ti esta noche acabo de conseguir “100 likes”.
    Segundo, el echo de que te escribo en espanol (si no te molesta) es por mi puro egoismo y obsesion con las lenguas porque me encanta practicarlas aunque tu ingles parece perfecto.
    Ah, tercero asunto… queria dejar un comentario en tu post de Weekly photo challenge – journey pero no hay opcion… Es una lastima porque es una muy buena idea y muy informativo. Ya sabia de Diego Rivera y Frida (y no por la pelicula sobre Frida sino por los documentales que veia de Mexico). Gracias otra vez por tu atencion, como ya sabes .. te estoy siguiendo :D. Saludos cordiales, Paula


    • Gracias a ti tambien por visitar mi blog! A mi tambien me gustan los idiomas, aunque no se cual es el que tu hablas! Yo te ayudo a practicar español! 🙂 Me alegra que sepas de Mexico. Espero tus visitas y yo hare las mias! Por cierto, seria bueno que tuvieras una pagina de “about”, no crees?


      • Hola Cedric 🙂 Gracias por querer ayudarme con espanol :), estoy muy contenta con tu ofrecimiento :D. Mi idioma materno es croata, soy traductora de profesion (ingles, frances) y cuando vi tu nombre pensaba que eres frances. Hace anos tenia planes de visitar Mexico pero por el momento estoy contenta con hacer viajes virtuales ;). Si, mi pagina de “about” todavia esta pendiente y tendre que escribirla, pero como soy una obra en desarollo me imagino que tendre que actualizarla de vez en cuando…
        Feliz Pascua!


  10. Wow your English is excellent!i’m moving to Argentina or Uruguay in three weeks and studying Spanish like crazy!eventually I’m going to start posting in Spanish.i hope I can! Interesting blog anyway 😀


  11. Just spent 10 days in beautiful Mérida, Yucatán, where my partner and I will retire to in another year or so. I like your blog and your outlook on life. Buena suerte!


    • Merida is such a lovely place and so tranquil! I am glad you liked it! People there is so easy going. I like keeping things simple. There is not much time to live in complexity. I hope you do come back soon! Muchas gracias!


  12. Queria preguntarte algo Cedric.. como lograste poner varias fotos en tu perfil de gravatar. Yo me recuerdo que he subido varias pero solo una se muestra. No se como hacer….


  13. Good morning Cedric, hope all’s well and you’re not too busy because I’ve nominated you to enter the Travel Supermarket’s “Capture the Colours” competition. The challenge is to post one photograph in each of the five colours – blue, green, yellow, red and white – to be judged by a panel of photographers – and there’s even a prize! Entries need to be posted by 29 August.

    Visit my post: http://thewanderlustgene.wordpress.com/2012/08/14/the-world-in-five-colours/ for the rules and links.
    Do hope you have time
    Meredith @ The Wanderlust Gene


    • Pero que cosas! Que honor! De haber sabido que pasarías por esta humilde morada, habría sacado la alfombra roja y te hubiera deleitado con unos dulces de algodón, unas morelianas, y una calabaza en tacha sin olvidar el café de olla! Gracias por la visita!,


  14. you wrote: “Most of the time the only difference between winning and losing is not quitting.”

    I’d never looked at your about page before so hadn’t seen your wonderfully affirming quote. Words to live by!
    ps. I get a huge kick out of your calendar title every time I visit your blog. Seriously, isn’t the calendar itself self explanatory?! hahahaha I like you!!!


  15. Have you turned off comments for your blog posts? I tried to post a comment for your hot air balloon post but didn’t see a reply box. I wanted to let you know the photos are stellar, and I”m sorry to hear about your uncle.


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