20 comments on “The Liebster Blog Award

  1. Thank you Cedric. It is nice to be picked.
    I will have to figure out how to post the sign on my blog but I did it for postaday so I am sure I can figure it out.
    I am going to take a bit to select my favorites as I have four more days left to teach school before the holiday break.
    I added a link to your blog on mine under the BLOGROLL. I hope you get clicks to your link.

    Thank you for nominating me.
    I am worried that someone nominated me before and again I was in the thick of things and didn’t do what I was supposed to do.
    Nice to meet you in the blogosphere.


  2. Pingback: And the Winner of the Liebster Award for Blogging is….www.ichoosehappynow.com! | ichoosehappynow.com

  3. Pingback: Liebster Blog’s Award « ♡ The Tale Of My Heart ♡

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